November 1st, 2014

Apps For Managing Your Small Business’s Finances

As a small business owner, it’s important to stay on top of your business’s finances. Luckily there are plenty of amazing apps on the market to help even the financially inept business owners manage money. From handling invoices and estimating cost, to tracking billings and creating financial reports, there are apps that make tracking business expenses simple and easy­ – and all from the convenience of your smartphone, too. Here are some of our top apps for managing your finances:

PayPal (Free)

Available for iOS, Android, and Windows devices, the PayPal app is a user-friendly, mobile version of the online service. The app allows you to access your account from a mobile device so you can check balances and transaction inquires; add, withdraw or transfer funds; or use it as a digital wallet at restaurants or stores. Get it from the App Store, Google Play or Windows Phone Store.

TSheets Time Tracker(Free)

If you find yourself billing clients by the hour or frequently traveling for work, TSheets Time Tracker helps you track time spent on work and bill those clients directly from your iOS or Android device. Additionally, this nifty app uses your phone’s built-in GPS to track travel time associated with projects or tasks. Get it from the App Store or Google Play.

Spendee ($2.00)

Spendee is more than a sleek layout and cute name. The app, available for both iOS and Android, analyzes your income and expenses, creating detailed infographics of your expenditures, and provides financial advice. The app also lets you set up automatic payments for your frequent bills, set notifications, import photos and notes, and export your financial data into an editable document in Excel, CSV or Google Drive. Get it from the App Store or Google Play.

Manilla (Free)

Manilla is all about keeping you organized. Use a variety of calendar options to help you keep track of bills or use the app as a digital filing cabinet for you bank statements, notices and other important financial records. Additionally Manilla works with reward or loyalty programs with bank accounts and credit cards to help you can make your spending go further. The app is compatible with iOS and Android devices. Get it from the App Store or Google Play.

Loan Calc ($0.99)

As a small business owner, you will likely need to take out a loan at some point. Loan Calc allows you to easily calculate any component of a loan, so you know exactly what you are borrowing and paying back. The app, available for the iPhone, is a useful way to create a visual for the structure of your loan and lets you substitute the different loan variables, like interest rates and payment size. Get it from the App Store.

BillTracker ($1.99)

As implied by the name, BillTracker is designed to help you better manage your business’s bills. From big office expenses to monthly bills, this app alerts you about upcoming bills and tracks bills you have paid, so you’ll never worry about overpaying or paying late. This app, however, is currently only available for iPhone users. Get it from the App Store.

Mint (Free)

This popular app has become famous for its user-friendly interface and visual representation of your spending. Available for iOS, Android, and Windows devices, Mint is a secure way to track and manage your finances (be that your business or personal finances). The app automatically organizes your spending into categories and graphically displays information tracked for all your checking accounts, saving accounts and credit cards. The app also features bill reminders and low-balance alerts, so you can stay on top of your finances like a pro. Get it from the App Store, Google Play or Windows Phone Store.

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